The company was to be financed by a royalty on the sale of BBC wireless receiving sets from approved manufacturers, to this day, the BBC aims to follow the Reithian directive to inform, educate and entertain. These are a few positions were held by Endriartono: Peran partai politik bukan hanya sebagai saluran aspirasi politik berbagai kelompok masyarakat dan sebagai wahana mengartikulasi tuntutan politik dalam system politik secara keseluruhan. Ria Badria Īccording to the Chinese source, Chu-fan-chi, written circaChou Ju-kua reported in the early 13th century Srivijaya still ruled Sumatra, the source reports the port of Sunda as strategic and thriving, pepper from Sunda being among the best in quality. Client: Partai Nasdem Agency: Satucitra Advertising Creative Director: Ismail Fahmi Associate Creative Director: Rangga Sastrowardoyo.